LoanPASS Release 07/16/2021

We wanted to let you know that the site will be down momentarily for a production release this evening at 6:00 PM PST. There is no need to log-out of LoanPASS, but you may experience some minor latency.

The following items will be released to production:

  • Pricing Profiles - Data entered in the application fields will remain populated when switching from one profile to another.
  • Export to PDF - Misalignment with input fields will be corrected.
  • Rate/Price Tables - New text will be added instructing users to click in the price cells to view specific details.
  • Rate Sheet Window - Rate Sheets will automatically be sorted in descending chronological order.
  • Negative Dollar Values - Negative dollar values will display as "-$123.00" instead of "$-123.00".
  • Miscellaneous - Various back-end enhancements will also be released.

Thank you for your patience as the LoanPASS team is working to improve your product experience.